Excursija Travel Blog
2024-04-09 14:12

Mini tour of Montenegro

Opening the doors of time, we enter Cetinje, where the spirit of history comes to life in every stone. The Cetinje Monastery reveals to us the shrines of Orthodoxy, where the incorruptible hand of St. John the Baptist and the particles of the Cross of the Lord remind us of the eternity of faith.

Art and spirituality merge in the art gallery, where the Philerma Icon of the Mother of God, painted by St. Luke, greets pilgrims with its blessing.
Climbing to Lovcen, we look at a masterpiece of nature, a mountain range towering like the Montenegrin Olympus. The mausoleum of Negosh at the top of the Yezernaya Mountain stands as a beacon of wisdom and poetry, leading us through the centuries.
Going down the serpentine in the Kotor Side, we stop for a photo break, where the breath of the sea and mountains combine in a panorama of the Tivat and Kotor Bays, and Old Kotor lies at our feet from a height of 1100 meters.
If desired, the trip can continue to Negushi, the cradle of the Montenegrin dynasty, where you can taste local delicacies — Negushi cheese and prshut, the true embodiment of taste and traditions.
Completing our journey, we explore Kotor, where every corner and landmark tells its own unique story, weaving us into the canvas of Montenegrin culture.