Excursija Travel Blog
2023-04-04 17:16

Treatment and rest in the thermal resorts of Albania

Indications for use:

Rheumatism and bone diseases, radiculitis

Infertility in women

Skin diseases, eczema

Blood circulation in the extremities

Stomach ulcer

Stones and infections in the gallbladder

Types of diabetes

Prostate infections

Asthma and bronchial pneumonia

Fatigue after hard physical or mental work

Cellulite treatment and anti-aging therapy

Contraindications: cardiovascular diseases
Albania is rich in recreational resources. Natural thermal and mineral springs are no exception. There are several of them in Albania and they have a modern treatment infrastructure!

The thermal waters of Biläi are located near the city of Fush Kruya. These sources are closest to the capital of Albania, Tirana. They are located near the national highway in the direction of the town of Vore to Fusha Krue. Thermal waters are beating from the sediments of the Aysham River. These springs are very rich in mineral compounds such as Ca, Na, K, Fe, Mg and others.

The water temperature reaches 55 ° C.

These waters have a therapeutic effect on a number of body problems, such as rheumatism, diseases of the skin and nervous system!

Thermal waters of Elbasan. They are located near the city of Elbasan. These thermal springs have been known and used since Roman times. Elbasan thermal waters are suitable for the treatment of some diseases of the respiratory tract, stomach, skin, etc. There are many private hotels that offer various services, including cosmetic ones.

Thermal waters of Benya. They are located 14 km from the southern city of Permet, in the commune of Petran. There are a total of 6 outdoor sources, surrounded by picturesque pastoral landscapes. The water temperature varies from 23 to 26 ° C. One of the sources treats stomach problems, other skin diseases. Other sources will be useful in the treatment of chronic diseases and rheumatism. These sources were opened in 1964. Thermal waters are not equipped and,unfortunately, there are no hotels in the immediate vicinity of the sources yet.

The thermal waters of Vronomero are located 10 km south of the small town of Leskovik, in the south-eastern part of the country. Waters are very rich in various minerals and salts, and are useful in the treatment of several diseases. The temperature of thermal water is from 29 to 40 degrees C. There is a renovated hotel with all the necessary amenities.

Thermal waters of Peshkopia. They are located in the vicinity of the city of Peshkopia in the northeast of Abania. Two high-potassium sulfate springs fountain from the plaster deposits of Mount Korabi. Useful for the following diseases: respiratory diseases, diabetes mellitus, skin diseases and some others. You can stay in private hotels within walking distance of the springs.