Excursija Travel Blog
2024-03-05 17:31

Durmitor National Park

Excursions to Durmitor National Park are an amazing journey through one of the most picturesque and exciting natural corners of Montenegro. During this tour you will plunge into the world of mountain peaks, crystal clear lakes, dense forests and wildlife.

The tour program may include visits to such attractions as:
Blagojevichko Jezero (Blagoe Lake) is one of the most beautiful lakes in the national park, surrounded by mountains and forests.
- Cherno Jezero (Black Lake) is the deepest lake in Montenegro, famous for its crystal clear waters and picturesque views.
- Diva Gora (Virgo Gora) is one of the highest peaks of Durmitor, which offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
- Sredny Beer (Sredny Lake) is another beautiful lake surrounded by green meadows and mountains.

You will also be able to enjoy hiking along scenic trails, visit local villages, taste local dishes and learn more about the rich natural and cultural heritage of this amazing Of the region.

Join our excursion to Durmitor National Park and discover all its beauty and uniqueness!