Excursija Travel Blog

Wellness tours

High cannot be called a resort town, but this place annually attracts more than 400 thousand tourists by the Archaeological Park. There is an amazing mountain that has an amazing resemblance to the pyramid, and because of this archaeologists, researchers, historians, geologists often come here. ... High. It's high. 28 kilometers from Sarajevo is the city of Visoko, which is the center of the community of the same name... It is here that you can climb the famous pyramid of the sun, buy health stones and be replenished with energy!

Waiting for you:

Excursion at the pyramid excavation site

Tour of the Ravne tunnels

Mount Visochitsa or the Pyramid of the Sun

Medieval fortress on top of Mount Visochitsa
Artifacts of Butmir culture

Place of coronation of the first king of Bosnia

Near the Ravne tunnels and in other places associated with the pyramids, they sell esoteric and geological souvenirs, which you can buy if you wish!